Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Sean was still in Cambodia today, but came in late tonight. Today was very long Anika and i and of course Terryn went to Minh Long in Binh Duong District. It was a really long drive!! because of traffic so it took about an hour to get there. Minh Long is a place where they make porcelain stuff, for example vases, dishes, and crazy figurines (the figurines had every thing disney, old t.v shows it was cool to see.) They were spectacular i was blown away! They also have an outlet that sell the small things but like half the price!!
As we enter the building it there is this huge fountain covered in porcelain Khoi fish that goes up 4 stories and hanging from the ceiling is ..... flamingos!! and i am just hanging (haha) with my buddies.
The dishes, vases and figurines and quite the spectacle. So many different designs and color. Some sets are so fancy I feel like I'm going to break them just by looking at them. Out side the building they have detailed scenes in bronze all over their boundary fence. It's spectacular! And of course... don't forget the tea set fountain.
All three of us. Yea!!

After we went to Minh Long we had to go get my passport. Yippee!!! It was not fun people cut in front of us and it was just bad and it took like an hour to get and the only thing good was that we got it and it was good with the visa.

After that mess we went to a mall to wait for Seans plane to land since didnt want to wait at the airport which was good cause Terryn and i burned off some energy by playing on the play toys at KFC and Jollibee. It was super fun!!! I know i am 13 and all but i havent played in a play toy since i was like 7 and the workers didnt even care which was good.

Okay there are so many KFCs here as there is like Wendys, McDonalds, and Arbys. Its crazy so to be somewhat Vietnamese i thought it would be fun to take a picture with this. Yupp good times good times.
Then we picked up Sean and headed home and now am going to sleep! Good Night!

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